A huge «scientific» fraud is unfolded in front of the eyes of humankind during
last few years, as regards global warming, and this time indeed at the peak
of electronics and satellite technology. Behind this fraud stand financial
interests related to the management of global energy and
other stocks (food, water, raw material), with a mouthpiece 2-3 thousands politicians, “scientists”, journalists, and unfortunately many environmental organizations, which spread the relevant “news” uncritically.
other stocks (food, water, raw material), with a mouthpiece 2-3 thousands politicians, “scientists”, journalists, and unfortunately many environmental organizations, which spread the relevant “news” uncritically.
What do they raise, as the most important argument, is that the large quantities
of carbon dioxide emissions have resulted in the so-called «greenhouse effect».
Namely, the allegedly augmenting of global temperatures between 1980-2000
is due to the industrial consumerism, but also to the mere breath of humans
and animals on the planet, with incalculable consequences for global warming
and rising sea levels.
Stop global warming (from www.icecap.us)
During August 2005, the Anthropological Association of Greece (A.A.G.) took
part in the 14th World Congress of Spelaeology organized in Kalamos (Attica).
Given the coexistence of participants from around the world, various discussions
usually break in. One of them focused on climate changes and their consequences
in the caves. Distinguished geologists have noted that what is spread about
global warming are unfounded rumors, since the global climate is not affected
by human activity, but mainly from astrophysical phenomena. To the question
how is possible all the media and the environmental organizations to be caught
victims of such a fraud, the answer was laconic: “These are politics with
economic background”.
Admittedly we were initially
startled. But the issue was very serious, with important implications even
for the future of humanity. Thus, members of the A.A.G. began a survey of
international literature. Then noticed the following «inexplicable» phenomenon:
on the one hand, by ~99,9%, there were reports by global warming fans, on
the other few who disagreed sporadically. Among the first, except for the
media, was Al Gore, known by his participation in humanitarian and ecological
disasters caused recently in the Balkans and SE Europe in general. On the
other shore, some distinctive voices of scientific bodies, which instead accept
primarily causes for climate change astrophysical phenomena, also showing
that the most likely scenario is a forthcoming slight cooling and not global
warming. In this case it would be even desirable to have the phenomenon of
global warming in order to stem the expected cold, which certainly will have
much more disastrous consequences than a little more heat. That is because,
apart from freezing, cooling also causes drought, as when oceans cool water
vapors decrease. Contrary to what is disseminated, the warm climate does not
cause drought, but more mild rain (as in the tropics), while the cold one
causes extreme natural phenomena (p. ex. hurricanes).
We also noticed that the global warming supporters:
A) Never faced the actual scientific questions posed by the other side, B) Threw mud vehemently and suspiciously at those who had a different opinion, as paid by oil companies, C) Exploited - misinforming - to the outmost the urban heat island effect (due to cement) and D) strongly overbid regarding ice melting in the poles (which anyway melt during the summer and reshape during winter), selectively presenting in the media only the summer melting. Depending on the particular local conditions ice melts more elsewhere, and less in other places. It is however more important what happens with temperatures on an annual basis and on a global scale. For example, coastal ice of Greenland was melting until two years ago a little more, but much less in the Antarctic, with a final melting of the total ice relatively smaller, which leads to a cooling of the planet.
A) Never faced the actual scientific questions posed by the other side, B) Threw mud vehemently and suspiciously at those who had a different opinion, as paid by oil companies, C) Exploited - misinforming - to the outmost the urban heat island effect (due to cement) and D) strongly overbid regarding ice melting in the poles (which anyway melt during the summer and reshape during winter), selectively presenting in the media only the summer melting. Depending on the particular local conditions ice melts more elsewhere, and less in other places. It is however more important what happens with temperatures on an annual basis and on a global scale. For example, coastal ice of Greenland was melting until two years ago a little more, but much less in the Antarctic, with a final melting of the total ice relatively smaller, which leads to a cooling of the planet.
also the diagramm: (See
also http://wattsupwiththat.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/ap-index-1932-2008.png).
of how the issues of Petralona cave in Macedonia - Greece are treated for
half a century now, even with distortions of facts, we got strongly concerned.
With announcements to the European Congresses of Anthropology, International
and National Conferences of Spelaeology, as well as our web site (24
December 2007), we shared our engrossments, also seeking the reasons why
we are bombarded by lies voluntarily or not.
Rigorous studies (increasingly confirmed by satellites, see CERN - http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0804/0804.1938v1.pdf,
as well as NASA - http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=8703),
show that the Earth’s climate
is influenced almost exclusively by cosmic radiation. The more of it hits
earth’s surface, the more clouds are created, driving to colder and drier
climate. What mainly protects us from super-bombardment of cosmic rays is
the magnetic field of the Sun (less of our planet), which also fluctuates
periodically. Since around the new year of 2009 the solar magnetic field is
unexpectedly very low, more cold is caused on Earth, something that especially
this winter is more than obvious to the residents of the northern hemisphere.
No one these days dare το speak in favor of global warming, unless he does
not care to become completely groundless, as for example claiming that the
most intensive recent snow falls are due to the greenhouse effect or that
the corals in Australia do not grow enough because of global warming (once
it is widely known that they grow more when the weather is hot). It is very
likely, however, that the warming fans’ persistence occurs another time next
summer, again unrealistic and without any interest in scientific documentation.
In good faith, we initially assumed that probably in order to rapidly reduce environmental pollution, the «masterminds» considered necessary to spread these false news. But, regardless of the Μachiavellian - perverse of the matter, if the opposing voices were right, and not those on the global warming, and given that the interests of the few (who unfortunately often lie) do not necessarily coincide with the common benefit, the things were getting a very dangerous and misleading turn. P. ex. the priorities for infrastructure are totally different for the countries convinced that we are going to be “heated”, and other actions are needed for adaptation in the opposite direction. The excessive profits of the «masterminds» by the disorientation of priorities may again become enormous. They may at most make an apology later that it was a mistake (supposedly not intentionally, claiming that they did not know that things are heading in the opposite direction).
Oil stocks dry and some promote
the use of monopolies nuclear energy as necessary. Then why, instead of the
imminent cooling, global warming is accentuated, which would require also
less energy? It is not easy to monitor all the perversity of people machinating
global crises and how they calculate their profits. Firstly, however, they
must explain why they set up an entire mechanism of lies and mislead the nations
of the planet? In these scenarios warmongering plans for extermination of
millions of people may be added and/or targeting in the different value of
the land. E.g. if people are informed that in C. Asia, S. Europe and C. America
a desertification would occur, instead of maintaining a likely comparatively
mild climate, extra profits should be expected again for «cunning», who are
aware of what will happen, perhaps even in a longer term basis. The recent
burning of Asia Minor, California, Euboea, Peloponnese, Portugal etc., with
thousands of casualties (in deaths and despaired survived), the continuing
deforestation of the Amazon and Indochina, aren’t they similar such cases?
The Maldives inhabitants fearing already that the ocean would allegedly cover
their islands, due to the “global warming”, are pressed to massively immigrate
and sell of their precious lands.
As regards the emission of carbon dioxide, a well-known fact is overlooked
that it is the innocent plant food (through photosynthesis), as well as that
the rate of the man-made CO2 is insignificant compared to that of the total
found in nature. Thus, we would not be surprised if in the future some try
to tax even our breath (according to the popular saying). However, what we
consider should become clear is that the contamination of the environment
(which anyway should be faced immediately and drastically), is something totally
different from the misleading argument on global warming. In few words where
super-consumerism is in fact the grate problem, we should not accuse... nature’s
(or cows’) breathing. Also, in addition to the above, overbidding the importance
of carbon dioxide emissions, new «green» products are promoted far more easily,
such as cars and airplanes or weapon systems and cigarettes. Turnover of trillions...
while many peoples do not have food enough if not at all. It is very recent
the crisis with the «biofuels», which led on the one hand to famine problems
more than 33 peoples in various countries (decreasing the agricultural - farming
lands) and on the other to environmental degradation (again at the expense
of the forests).
As previously mentioned,
desertification brings cold rather than warm, which is basically the only
common point of the two opposing reviews. But why are we disoriented that
a global warming supposedly will happen? It is at all not unlikely, away from
the actual information of the peoples, that plans unknown at the moment to
be weaved, for further projects in vain, and other economic games, with the
involvement of some unknown but of known inefficiency technological applications.
E.g. regeneration of fallow land, again through solutions of dubious application
and the process of hidden intelligence reports as those that rarely see the
light of publicity.
An analogous forgotten «scientific» fraud on a global scale, which fortunately
took only a few weeks, occurred at the end of the last century concerning
the possibility of holding plasma as an alternative energy source. It was
announced that a European great country’s nuclear physics laboratory, apparently
succeeded in producing marketable energy from plasma. In minutes, dozens of
laboratories followed worldwide (approximately 70), to confirm the relevant
experiment, in a naive effort everyone to be the 2nd or 3rd etc ranked in
the most «modern» nuclear laboratories. As the plasma temperature reaches
millions of degrees Celsius (like in the Sun too), this possibility was not
ultimately achieved. The result of the project was questioned only by a small
central European country’s laboratory, that has proved the announcement wrong,
and then the others tacitly accepted it.
There are many more examples of deliberate deception over the centuries that
can be reported. E.g. the alleged violent nature of humans (although the presence
for ~ 90% of the historic journey of our species is warless) or the concealment
of the real democratic laws and rules. Some are close to convince everyone
that violence and war are intertwined and/or identified with the civilization.
Thus, if they had not left the few independent but honest voices in scientific
literature referred above, and as most people can not see what is happening
in the poles, reasonably we all would be still under the «influence of global
warming», protecting virtually bizarre financial interests. About two months
ago a Greek television station ran a program on the issue, moving on to a
soft hooves alarm of the public. In response the «warmists», amid prolonged
snowstorm in North America, pushed immediately news about greenhouses. However
the beginning has been made, and it is certain that the fraud will eventually
be revealed. But questions remain whether the disorientation will continue
to crawl as an «appropriate» strategy or its condemnation and elimination
will be managed?
Anyway fact is that virtually no measures have been started yet to promote
humanity’s self-protection, while there are strong marks of a worsening situation.
As examples are mentioned here: 1) the need for decentralization and reforestations,
2) a reconciliationunified list for elections (according to the Swiss way),
3) a peaceful global overpopulation control and 4) a gradual at any rate rehabilitation
of the societies, away from financial bubbles of the system, which is built
during last centuries without any provision against its self-destructive trends.
In this way, we are all in danger of a unique swirl (the equivalent of
many tsunami) with insurmountable effects on even the «few», which in turn
still deceive themselves that they may overcome everything without the democratic
participation and consent of most people. The only benefit from all the above,
is that both views ring the bell alarm concerning the dramatic conditions
that already humans are facing. The danger is that practically no measures
are proposed, in order not to injure big, but completely provisional, economical
interests. Thus, under the ecological pretext, the environmental sensibilities
of the world citizens are still exploited.
At this historic turning point of humanity, with the «globalized» interdependencies
at all levels (financial, energy, food, and raw materials), there are no empires
to be dismantled and replaced by others. The corresponding burning questions
will lead either to pseudo-solutions, or to a global collapse. A settlement
through the known warlike (anti mutual aid) historical processes involves,
unnecessarily in our view, the death of huge numbers of people, if not of
all. But in the misfortune of the overpopulation there is also a glimmer of
hope. For the first time in the world there are so many people proportionally
with higher education, that it is mathematically a truism that they can participate
in the formulation of guiding opinions to escape the present complex crisis.
It is perhaps the only opportunity at this stage, rather than repeat the mistakes
of the past in a Sisyphean practice, procedures for the reorientation of human
priorities to be started.
is scientifically proven that only in democratic conditions, away from antidialogical
fanaticisms and intolerance, there is place for a harmonic coexistence of
all. Moreover, such a blissfulness was managed to be lived up to the maximum
until today, only in such circumstances, from Hercules Gates’ to the Black
Sea, known through the unmatched achievements of the Golden Century, where
a Phidias, an Euripides or an Aristotle managed to bound in the global empyrean.
Note 1: Complementarily see also satellite measurements of
temperatures 1979-2008 in http://www.friendsofscience.org/assets/documents/FOS%20Essay/Climate_Change_Science.html.
Note 2: To avoid prolixity it is noted that similar arguments
and data to the above global warming apply also to the ozone hole. (confront:
3: Is humankind prepared (p. ex. resources) to face 5 years at least of continuous
winter, in case of a monstrous volcano explosion? To how many billions the
co-respective human victims could be counted?
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